Hello friends and family!
Just thought I would update everyone on what we have been up to in Michigan. Well, once Paul got to NC I drove the entire way to Michigan but not before we stopped for the night in Cincinnati and got to participate in a sweet Obama rally. It was so much fun until the fire alarm went off at midnight in our hotel where we were sleeping on the 21st floor. Holy never ending staircase...I have never ran down so many stairs in my life. Everything was fine though.
As we drove up to our new place that we had never seen before it definitely felt like Christmas in September. We got inside and did the whole screaming and jumping around thing for a few minutes to take it all in. Going from 250 square feet in Dominica to a fully loaded 1,250 square feet with all the amenities of this blessed country was a little overwhelming but in a good way. Needless to say we love our new place and never want to leave it unless it is for something even better.
I am teaching dance 4 nights a week and am waiting for my temporary social work license paperwork to get processed before I can start a social work job. Paul started at the hospital today and has a big test tomorrow he is gearing up for. He says he finally feels like a real medical school student now that he can be in a real hospital and is really happy. We like our church ward and so far have not been approached about any callings. However, I have already been cornered into teaching Relief Society in two weeks but worse things could happen I guess. All of the members are so kind and a bunch of the guys are med students, residents, and fellow docs and have given Paul a lot of advice and support already. We are both so grateful for the instant family the church always provides wherever we go!
All is well at this home-front for now!