Sunday, April 4, 2010

March Madness

Sorry the pictures are all out of order. They will make more sense after reading the text below. I've decided it's not worth loosing my temper over trying to fix it today:) Sleep deprivation has effected my level of patience these

March has come and gone very quickly but was an amazing time developmentally for our Hugh. He has grown so much over the past month and in our opinion has gotten cuter and smarter. He is pseudo-crawling backwards now. He will get on all fours, throw his butt into the air and walk his hands backwards once or twice before coming back down onto his belly. It is kind of sad to see him on his tummy wanting to move to a toy that is just out of his reach for him only to move further away from it. He is steam rolling all over the living room floor from one corner to the next in lightening speeds. He will pick up and put EVERYTHING into his mouth and his first real sound combo was NA NA. The funny thing is that Nana is what we call Blake's mom and when he gets on a NA NA rampage Blake will yell out, "yeah Hughie, I want Nana too:)"

Hughie loves to pull up on our hands so that he can stand and makes all kinds of cooing and awwing sounds. His tickle spots that get him belly laughing are his inner thighs and middle of his back. Paul loves making him laugh. He is turning into quite the boy and already likes to "rough house" a little with Paul. The coolest thing he just started doing yesterday was initiating peek a boo! I have a video I have posted recently on my facebook page of him in action.

This past weekend Paul's parents came to town and we took a day trip to Kirtland Ohio to visit a church historical site. The weather was amazing and the experience was spiritually strengthening for all of us as well. To keep up with the tradition of transforming our son into a holiday animal, Paul's mother gave Hugh his own set of bunny ears.

I thought that the last picture really shows just how big our baby has gotten. Paul's mom bought him this super cute summer romper and it is the size for an 18 month old...YIKES!!! We think he will start leaning out a little now that he has just started running around in his walker and jumping in his "Johnny Jump Up"

That's all for now:)

PS- Springtime rules!!!